doc. dr. Eszter Polonyi

05 3315 237

Eszter Polonyi is affiliated faculty at the University of Nova Gorica. Eszter's research focuses on historic notions of subjecthood and identity and their entanglement in the range of hybrid and obsolete techniques of visuality that emerged in early twentieth-century East and Central Europe. She is currently working on a book manuscript entitled An Archaeology of Recognition Media and is PI of a two-year research project on Identity Photography funded by the Slovenian National Research Agency.
Before migrating to Europe, Eszter taught at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY and Columbia University, NY, NY. She currently works at the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana.

B.A. Wellesley College
M.A. Courtauld Institute Of Art
M.Phil. Columbia University
Ph.D. Columbia University

doc. dr. Eszter Polonyi