Visit of students from "SlovenskI licej iz Gorice"

Date of publication: 16. 2. 2017
School of Science

From 13-17 February, the students from the Slovenian lyceum pole from Gorizia (Italy) had practical training at the University of Nova Gorica.

The students will get familiar with the concept of Dark Matter: what it is, how it is distributed in our Galaxy and how can we search for it with out telescopes – to understand what it is made of. They will use a simple computational code to plot the distribution of dark matter in our Galaxy and its astrophysical signals and will learn what are the telescopes which currently are looking for it in its data.

They will visit also the Material research Laboratory and there will do some experience in the synthesis of chalcogenides nanoparticles by chemistry method (solvothermal) in the laboratory, together with xrd and microscopy characterization of the obtained material.