Seminarji gostujočih znanstvenikov 2005/2006

Datum objave: 8. 5. 2006

Vljudno vabljeni na predavanje z naslovom “Quantifying uncertainty in contaminated land assessmentI” prof. dr. Hylke J. Glass-a (Comborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, UK), v sredo 10. maja 2006, ob 16. uri v predavalnici P-7 Univerze v Novi Gorici. Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.

Our environment may be polluted with a range of inorganic and organic contaminants originating from current or former human activities. Legislation increasingly requires owners of polluted land to take remediative action. This would normally follow a thorough site investigation, where toxicity, mobility and bioavailability of contaminants in the soil are assessed. Initially, the type and levels of contaminants are measured, followed by interpretation of the risk which these contaminants pose for receptors. Increasingly sophisticated techniques for analysis of samples have emerged which, coupled with modern sampling strategies, allow for more cost-effective assessment than previously possible. In his lecture Professor Glass will address the problems related to contaminated land assessment.