Modern approach to pathology and plant protection

This course is part of the programme
Master’s study programme Viticulture and Enology

Objectives and competences

To provide students with a grounding in the epidemiological aspects of plant pests and diseases, basics of interactions between plants and microbes, diversity of plant pathogens and the role of microbiome for plants, as well as to introduce the students to new methods for detection of plant pathogens and biological approaches for plant protection.


Basic knowledge in viticulture and plant pathology and vine protecition/plan physiology.


  1. Overview of plant pest and disease epidemiology with focus on plant pathogenic microbes. Definitions and terminology.
  2. Monitoring and detection of pests, pathogens, and diseases: * new methods for quick and reliable testing for plant pathogens in laboratory and on the field; * searching for new and emerging pathogens: next-generation sequencing; * methods appropriate for determination of titres of plant pathogens.
  3. Biological control in plant protection: introduction of natural enemies, bacteriophages, cross-protection of plants.
  4. Relationship between environmental conditions and pest and disease development.
  5. Planning experiments in controlled and natural environment conditions.
  6. Studies of interactions between microbes and plants and diversity studies of plant pathogens. New knowledge about the role of microbiome for plants.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:
Students will learn how to plan and perform experiments for studies of association between plants, environment and disease/pest. They will learn how to interpret the results and use the data for successful plant protection management.

Transferable skills:
The students can use knowledge obtained during the course of this subject, in combination with gained professional skills in viticulture, analyze, investigate and successfully resolve individual cases in practice



  • Study material from specialized literature, which will be given during consultations/lectures


  • Gullino M.L., Bonants P.J.M.. 2014. Plant Pathology in the 21st Century: Detection and Diagnosis of Plant Pathogens, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, 211 str. Catalogue
  • Schumann G.L., D’Arcy C. J. 2010. Esential Plant Pathology. 2nd edition. APS Press, 369 str.


Tutorials (20%), exam (80%)

Lecturer's references

Assistant professor Nataša Mehle

Nosilka predmeta je kot docentka dopolnilno zaposlena na Univerzi v Novi Gorici, redno pa je zaposlena na Nacionalnem inštitutu za biologijo kot višja strokovno-raziskovalna sodelavka kjer vodi laboratorj za določanje virusov, viroidov in fitoplazem. Ima dolgoletne praktične in teoretične izkušnje s področja patologije in varstva rastlin.

Njene reference in strokovno raziskovalna dejavnost so razvidne na tej povezavi (povezava: )