Writing texts

This course is part of the programme
Bachelor's study programme Slovene Studies (1st Level)

Objectives and competences

Students write and form texts (e.g., a literary review, assessment or critique; art, theatre and music reviews; journalistic types of texts: news, commentaries, interviews, feature stories, round tables, etc.) with different types of function, while respecting their structure and purpose; during class they will present them in the form of an oral report. At the same time, the course extends and furthers knowledge of grammar and orthography, while developing their sense of style through writing, proofreading and correcting technical, publicist, literary, semi-literary and other texts intended for written publication, as well as oral communication. Students will thereby develop rhetorical acuity, skills for discussion, debate and engaging in polemics, while mastering non-verbal communication alongside verbal communication.


Linked with courses in literary theory, this course anticipates and consolidates knowledge of the structure and style of non-artistic, especially technical, scholarly, publicist, business, and both semi-artistic and artistic types of texts; since good writing necessarily requires a solid command of language and orthography, the course is also linked to language courses. Because students learn the basics of scholarly writing, it is linked practically with all the literature courses and cultural-history courses.


The course consists of the theory and practice of academic writing for scholarly and technical texts, while training students to capably write business, journalistic, and semi-artistic types of texts. In line with the intention of mastering orthography and style for writing various types of texts, students will also proofread and correct academic, popular, professional, publicist, literary, semi-literary and other texts.

The course also includes the analysis, design and basic principles of presenting various types of speeches, expert lectures and papers as well as training for good oral and written communication with the media. The scientifically-shaped course, which in the study of text types and genres links literary and linguistic theory, is practically and methodologically oriented. Attention is paid not only to the structure of texts and the organization of material, but also to the ethics of academic writing and to the culture and style of the written word and spoken word in media and electronic communication.

Intended learning outcomes

Students learn the rules of citing as well as the principles, in terms of content, composition and style, of writing reports, seminar papers, diploma theses, expert and academic articles as well as professional reviews or critiques. They are able to evaluate the structure and style of artistic and semi-artistic texts. They master writing of various types of essay, travelogues, but also journalistic genres, such as news, reports, commentaries, feature stories and editorials. They are trained to conduct interviews and lead round table discussions and do presentations of different types of speeches, technical papers and academic presentations. They also master the basic rules of business correspondence.


• Bajt, Drago, Pišem, torej sem: Priročnik za pisanje. Maribor: Založba Obzorja, 1993. Catalogue
• Blatnik, Andrej (ur.), Šola kreativnega pisanja, Ljubljana: Aleph,1990. Catalogue
• Eco, Umberto, Kako napišemo diplomsko nalogo. Ljubljana: Vale-Novak, 2003 (zb. Knjige na metre). Catalogue
• Hladnik, Miran, Praktični spisovnik ali šola strokovnega ubeedovanja. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, 20026. Catalogue E-version
• Južnič, Stane, Diplomska naloga: Napotki za izdelavo. Ljubljana: FSPN, 19841; Ljubljana: Amalietti, 1992.

Selected chapters:
• Andolšek, Furlan, Poslovna korespondenca. Ljubljana: 1967, 1973.
• Bertoncelj, Ivan, Metode predavanja in nekaj o govorništvu. Ljubljana: Zavod SRS za strokovno izobraževanje, 1965.
• Bertoncelj, Ivan, Predavanje in govorništvo. Ljubljana: DDU Univerzum, 1980.
• Bertoncelj, Ivan, Vodenje sestankov. Kranj : Delavska univerza, 1969.
• Blažič, Milena, Kreativno pisanje: vaje za razvijanje sposobnosti kreativnega pisanja. Ljubljana : GV Izobraževanje, 2003. E-version
• Crosby, David, Moderni poslovni dopisi. 503 vzorci s komentarjem. Prevedel Tadej Accento. Ljubljana: Primath, 2001.
• Day, Robert, Barbara Gastel, 2012, How to write and publish a scientific paper. 7. izdaja. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Catalogue
• Kalin Golob, Monika, O dopisih. Predlog za standardizacijo. Ljubljana: GV Revije, revija Tajnica, GV Založba, 2003.
• Kobe, Boris, Priročnik za pisce strokovnih besedil: Znanstveni aparat. Koper: Visoka šola za management, 2001.
• Luthar, Breda / Zei, Vida / Hardt, Hanno, Medijska kultura. Kako brati medijske tekste. Ljubljana: Študentska založba, zb. Scripta, 2004.
• Mayer, Janez / Bečaj, Janez / Kneževič, Ana Nuša /Košir, Manca / Trstenjak, Anton idr., Skrivnost ustvarjalnega tima. Ljubljana: Dedalus − Center za razvoj vodilnih osebnosti in skupin, 2001.
• Makarovič, Jan, Misel in sporočilo. Kako uspešno študirati, raziskovati in predstaviti svoje ideje. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo; Center za samoupravno normativno dejavnost, 1984.
• Milosavljevič, Marko, Novinarska zgodba. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2003.
• Morley, David; Philip Neilsen, 2012: The Cambridge companion to creative writing. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
• Sršen, Janez, Jezik naš vsakdanji. Ljubljana: Gospodarski vestnik, 1998. Catalogue
• The Chicago manual of style : [the essential guide for writers, editors, and publishers]. Chicago; London: The University of Chicago Press, 2006 (ali kakšna druga izdaja). Catalogue E-version
• Vodopivec, Milan in Vodopivec, Matija, Kako raziskujem, pišem, nastopam. Sporočilna tehnika pisanja. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 2004.


• passing the written exam • continually-assessed homework on writing professional texts and exercises • seminar paper The successful completion of homework and the seminar paper are the pre-condition for writing the exam.

Lecturer's references

Dr. Irena Avsenik Nabergoj, a literary historian and professor of art history, is an associate professor of literature at the University of Nova Gorica and a Senior Research Fellow in the field of literary studies at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She gained experience as an editor and phonetician during her four years of employment at RTV Slovenia; she has also worked for the newspaper Finance.

Her research focuses on Slovenian and comparative literature, literary theory, literature and mythology, and literature and other art forms. To date her studies have dealt with: the themes of love and guilt in Slovenian literature; the literature of Slovenian writers of the 19th and 20th centuries, especially Ivan Cankar; representations of reality and truth in literature; the image of Jews in Slovenian Literature; and Biblical motifs in modern Slovenian and European literature.

In 2009 she received the Zois Award for significant achievements in the field of literary studies.

1. AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena, 2005. Ljubezen in krivda Ivana Cankarja. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 2005 (zbirka Kultura), 794 strani, ilustr.
2. AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena, 2008. Mirror of Reality and Dreams: Stories and Confessions by Ivan Cankar. Frankfurt am Main [etc.]: Peter Lang, 309 strani, ilustr.
3. AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. 2009. Longing, Weakness and Temptation: From Myth to Artistic Creations. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, XII, 321 strani.
4. AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. 2010. Hrepenenje in skušnjava v svetu literature: Motiv Lepe Vide, (Zbirka Kultura). Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 726 strani, ilustr.
5. AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. 2011. Literarne vrste in zvrsti: stari Izrael, grško-rimska antika in Evropa. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 623 strani; 2. del knjige je pripravljen v souredništvu s prof. dr. Dietrom Lampingom, Univerza v Mainzu.
6. AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. 2012. Power of Love and Guilt: Representations of Mother and Woman in the Literature of Ivan Cankar, 463 strani. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang – Inernationaler Verlag der Wissenschften.
7. AVSENIK NABERGOJ, Irena. 2013. Reality and Truth in Literature: From Ancient to Modern European Literary and Critical Discourse, 223 strani. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress.