Our Alumni - where are they now

Peter Ferfoglia, mag. gosp. inž.

Mayor of the municipality Doberdob, Italy, June 2024 –

Prof. Dr. Egon Pavlica

Dean of School of Science, University of Nova Gorica, April 2024 –

Dr. Rok Andres

Artistic director of the Šentjakob Theater, 2022 -

Dr. Klaudija Sedar

Director of the Primož Trubar Institute, 2021 -

Member of the Council of RTV Slovenia, 2022 -

Uroš Rutar, dipl. gosp. inž.

Director MAHLE Electric Drives Slovenija, d. o. o.

Tarik Žigon dipl.gosp.inž.

Mayor of the municipality Renče-Vogrsko, november 2018 –

Tina Ponebšek

Director of the Pilon Gallery, 2015 -

Dr. Andrej Stopar

Correspondent of RTV Slovenia from the United States - 2019

Dr. Anja Fabiani

President of the LDS party, april 2017 – junij 2017

Doc. dr. Marko Vudrag dr. med., spec. higiene

NIJZ – Head of OE Nova Gorica

Doc. dr. Drago Papler

Adviser to the Director for Research and Development (Gorenjske elektrarne)

Dr. Gal Kirn

Postdoc researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin

Doc. dr. Kaja Širok

State Secretary for Culture, June 2022- March 2024

Director of the public institution GO! 2025

Director of the Museum of Recent History of Slovenia , 2011 –

Mag. slov. Mateja Košir

Author and editor of the TV show Ambienti

Editor of the Weekend supplement of the magazine Delo

Simon Marolt Mag. gosp. inž.

Director of the company Mineralka d.o.o.