Colleague of the University of Nova Gorica about tumorogenesis

Date of publication: 26. 7. 2011

A colleague from the Laboratory for Environmental Research of the University of Nova Gorica, Prof. Dr. Ario de Marco, published a paper in »Cancer Cell« focused on the role of eIF6 in tumorogenesis.

The role of the regulatory eIF6 protein in the tumorogenesis, Courtesy of Mulizio, 2009.
The role of the regulatory eIF6 protein in the tumorogenesis, Courtesy of Mulizio, 2009.

The eukaryotic initiation factor 6 (eIF6) represents a potential molecular target for controlling cell proliferation during tumorogenesis. Although genetic evidences confirmed the role of this protein in the process, quantitative analyses were impaired so far by the difficulty in preparing suitable recombinant protein. The paper published in Cancer Cell summarizes part of the results collected in the frame of the collaboration of three groups with complementary competences. The University of Nova Gorica contributed to the project with its expertise in biochemistry and protein expression and purification.

The full-text of the article is available at:


Andreja Leban
Public Relations
T: +386 5 3315 397