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Seznam prihodnjih in preteklih seminarjev, ki jih organizira Center za astrofiziko in astronomijo najdete tukaj: CAC seminarji.

You can find the list of upcoming and past seminars organized by the Center for Astrophysics and Cosmology here: CAC Seminars.

Vabljeni na predavanje Dr. Mihe Živca z naslovom "Najvišje energije v vesolju", ki bo v petek, 8.12.2023 ob 18:00 v prostorih Garaže na Vilharjevi ulici 20q v Ajdovščini.

Dr. Miha Živec will hold a lecture "Najvišje energije v vesolju" at Garaža, Vilharjeva 20q, Ajdovščina on Friday 8.12.2023 at 18.00.

Čestitke Taju Jankoviču (naslov disertacije:  “Relativistic tidal disruptions of realistic stars by supermassive black holes) in Mihi Živcu (naslov disertacije: “Characterization of atmospheric properties over the Cherenkov Telescope Array at La Palma”) za uspešen zagovor njunih doktorskih disertacij.

Congratulations to Taj Jankovič (thesis title:  “Relativistic tidal disruptions of realistic stars by supermassive black holes) and Miha Živec (thesis title: “Characterization of atmospheric properties over the Cherenkov Telescope Array at La Palma”) for successfully defending their PhD.

Konferenca LSST@Europe5 se je končala! Organizirana je bila s strani CAC/UNG, Univerze v Rijeki, Univerze v Beogradu in inštituta Rudjer Boskovic. Več na:

LSST@Europe5 conference has ended! It was organized by CAC/UNG, University of Rijeka, University of Belgrade and Rudjer Boskovic Istitute. Read more here:

LSST@Europe5 conference, September 2023, co-organized by CAC/UNG

On Thursday, July 6th, 2023, at 2:00 pm, we invite you to a seminar given by Dr. Justin Pierel (Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), US) with the title “Leveraging HST and JWST for Precision Cosmology with Gravitationally Lensed Supernovae”. The seminar will be organized in the Amphitheatre room on the 1st floor of the Ajdovščina building.

Abstract: Strong gravitational lensing can cause multiple images of a background source to appear, as light propagating along different paths is focused by a foreground galaxy or galaxy cluster. If the multiply-imaged source is variable, then the source images will appear delayed by hours to weeks (for galaxy-scale lenses) or months to years (for cluster-scale lenses). Precise measurements of this "time delay" can constrain the Hubble constant and the dark energy equation of state in a single step. I will give an overview of gravitationally lensed supernova (SN) discoveries in the last decade, including what they can tell us about cosmology and SN physics. More than half of all gravitationally lensed SNe have been discovered in the last year, and I will give particular focus to the recent discoveries that include observing campaigns from the Hubble and James Webb Space Telescopes. The recent sample includes examples on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of lensed SN systems that we expect from the next decade of large survey telescopes, such as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Nancy G. Roman Space Telescope.

Fakulteta za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici vabi javni pogovor serije 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒_č𝚎𝚣_ z naslovom #Čezmejnost #vesolja, ki bo potekal v sredo, 7. 6. 2023, ob 19.00 v novogoriškem Xcentru. Gosta: prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc in prof. dr. Lev Kreft. Povezava do dogodka ...

The Faculty of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica invites you to a public conversation of the series 𝙳𝚒𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒_č𝚎𝚣_ entitled #Crossboundary #universe, which will take place on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the Nova Gorica Xcenter. Guest: prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc and prof. dr. Lev Kreft. Link to the event ...

Nova raziskava, v kateri je sodelovala tudi članica CAC, dr. Tanja Petrushevska, poroča o po njihovem mnenju največji eksploziji, kar je bila zaznana doslej. Preberi več...

CAC member doc. dr. Tanja Petrushevska was involved in a new study that reports what appears to be the largest supernova explosion ever observed. Read more...

CAC člana Mateusz Bronikowski in doc. dr. Tanja Petrushevska sta sodelovala v nedavni študiji objavljeni v znanstveni reviji Astrophysical Journal ( ). Članek zadeva močno lečeno supernovo tipa Ia 2022qmx, za kar so uporabili posnetke s Hubblovega teleskopa. Posnetki so bili pridobljeni preko kolaboracije Lenswatch (, ki jo vodi dr. Justin Pierel (Space Telescope Science inštitut, ZDA). 

CAC members Mateusz Bronikowski and doc. dr. Tanja Petrushevska were involved in the recent study published in Astrophysical Journal ( ). The article regards the Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx for which they used images from the Hubble Space Telescope. The images were obtained through the Lenswatch collaboration (, led by Dr. Justin Pierel at the Space Telescope Science Institute, US. 

Taj Jankovič in Andreja Gomboc sta objavila članek z naslovom "The Mass Fallback Rate of the Debris in Relativistic Stellar Tidal Disruption Events" v reviji "The astrophysical journal". To delo predstavlja najbolj natačno raziskavo hitrosti vračanja snovi, količine, ki je tesno povezana s svetlobnimi krivuljami plimskih raztrganj zvezd. Članek je na voljo na tej povezavi.

Taj Jankovič and Andreja Gomboc published a paper titled "The Mass Fallback Rate of the Debris in Relativistic Stellar Tidal Disruption Events" in "The Astrophysical Journal". This research is the most accurate study of the mass fallback rate of the debris, a quantity closely connected to the light curves from stellar tidal disruptions events. The paper is available here.


Astronomi so opazovali 180 milijonov svetlobnih let oddaljeno eksplozijo, ki predstavlja velik izziv za razumevanje. Z opazovanji polarizacije svetlobe astrofizikalnega tranzienta AT 2018cow so ugotovili, da eksplozija ni bila sferno simetrična, kot bi pričakovali v splošnem primeru, ampak sploščena. V raziskavi, objavljeni v reviji MNRAS, je sodelovala tudi članica CAC Andreja Gomboc. Več...

Astronomers have observed an explosion 180 million light years away which challenges our current understanding of explosions in space. By measuring the optical polarization of AT 2018cow, the team, including also CAC member Andreja Gomboc, showed that the explosion appeared much flatter than ever. Results were published in MNRAS. Read more...

Info dnevi 2023 - Med 16. in 18. februarjem smo odprli svoja vrata dijakom in širši javnosti s predstavitvami in obiski naših raziskovalnih laboratorijev. V sklopu predstavitve Centra za astrofiziko in kozmologijo je dr. Jure Japelj spregovoril o teleskopu GoChile, nato je prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc spregovorila o tem, kako supermasivne črne luknje požirajo zvezde, prof. dr. Artem Badasyan predstavil, kako uporabljamo fiziko za preučevanje bioloških sistemov, prof. dr. Egon Pavlica pa nam je pokazal, kako gradimo nove nano naprave. Več informacij najdete tukaj:

Info Days 2023 - During 16-18 February, we open our doors to high school students and the general public with presentations and visits to our research labs. Furthermore, all the events will be in hybrid mode, which means that the visitors will also have a chance to attend the events online. From CAC, we will have Dr. Jure Japelj talking about the GoChile Telescope, then prof. Dr. Andreja Gomboc will talk about how supermassive black holes devour stars, Prof. Dr. Artem Badasyan will present how we use physics to study biological systems, and Prof. Dr. Egon Pavlica will show us how we build new nano-devices. More information can be found here: