Economy for Engineers

Objectives and competences

The following general competences will be acquired:

• the ability to analyze, synthesize and predict the consequences of strategic decisions,
• mastering research methods, procedures and processes in the field of strategic management and the development of critical thinking and self-critical judgment,
• the ability to use skills in the field of strategic management to solve open issues in a wider multidisciplinary perspective,
• the ability to interpret own views and conclusions, work in the group, and tolerate acceptance and consideration of constructive criticisms and comments.

The following subject – specific competences will be acquired:

• Understanding the impact of economic and social impacts on the design, planning and implementation of the organization's operations,
• understanding the changes brought about by the process of globalization in the design, planning and implementation of economic aspects of the organization, • the ability to take a critical view of the relationship between the individual building blocks of the organization,
• the ability to solve specific professional problems in the field of valuation of investments,
• the ability to draw own conclusions and position them in an appropriate professional framework,
• ability to use critical analysis and synthesis in solving complex multidisciplinary professional and research problems in the field of economics.


Required knowledge cobers topics from courses: Economics and organization of a company, Business mathematics, and Statistics from the first level study program Engineering and Management. Basic skipps of using computers is also required.


  1. Introduction
    - theory, concepts
    - the study of topics published in relevant literature
    - the reflection of the topic of economic problem
    - globalization

  2. Offer, demand, elasticity
    - goods and needs
    - production factors
    - market, supply, demand
    - price and income elasticity, cross-elasticity
    - revenue, cost and production function

  3. The roots of the business process and management
    - the factors for successful work
    - funds, financing, stocks

  4. Basics of production theory and costs
    - costs, revenues, profit or loss, cost sharing
    - cost calculations
    - business indicators

  5. Company development
    - profitability factors
    - risk factors
    - performance and performance analysis, indicators

  6. Business development projects
    - methodology for the economic evaluation of projects
    - economic indicators and effects
    - Analysis of social costs and benefits
    - Cost Benefit analysis
    - comparative analysis of methods and indicators examples of the calculation process
    - case studies from an engineering field

Intended learning outcomes

Students will:

• understand the importance and role of influential participants for the business success of the organization,
• be able to formulate the business policy of organizations,
• be able to analyze economically the operations of the organization, activities and structures in the country and to compare it in a wider context,
• be able to evaluate economically the investments for decision-making,
• understand and recognize the causes of the organization's failure.


• B. Bergant (2011): Ekonomika in organizacija v gospodarskih subjektih, Nova Gorica, od strani 224 do 256.
• F. Bizjak (2008): Osnove ekonomike podjetja za inženirje, Nova Gorica: Univerza v Novi Gorici. Catalogue UNG Publisher
• D. Papler in Š. Bojnec (2011): Naložbe v trajnostni razvoj energetike, Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management. E-version

• N. Klein (2007): Doktrina šoka
• N. Chomsky (2013): Profit pred ljudmi
• D. Papler in Š. Bojnec (2015): Učinki liberalizacije trga električne energije, Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za mangement. E-version
• D. Papler in Š. Bojnec (2015): Konkurenčnost in dejavniki dobave električne energije, Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za management. E-version


• Short written assignments • Written exam, which assesses knowledge of the implementation of concepts of basic principles of control-systems analysis and design of companies. • Individual seminar • Presentations 10/60/20/10

Lecturer's references

Dr. Drago Papler Assistant Professor, habilitation field economy

Dr Drago Papler's educational background is interdisciplinary: doctor of science, master of economic engineering, bachelor of economics, bachelor of economic engineering, bachelor of electrical engineering, and agricultural and landscape engineer. He worked for 20 years in Elektru Gorenjska in the field of work preparation and technical commercial investment. After the opening of the electricity market, he worked in marketing and sales. From 2006 he was Head of the Investment and Development Department at Gorenjske elektrarne, from 2011 to 2014 Head of the Investments, Development and Design Unit, and from 2015 Advisor to the Director for Research and Development. In 2014 he successfully completed a project to introduce the ISO 9001:2008 quality management system into the company, and in 2016 he implemented the ISO 50001:2011 standard for energy management into the company's quality management system. In Gorenjske elektrarne, he has been the management representative for quality management systems and risk management since 2014, and for energy management systems since 2016. He has implemented the new versions of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018.
Alongside the regular maintenance of existing power plants, his aim was to build new renewable energy generation plants. He has received several awards for his successful and efficient research, development, education and promotion projects: Srečko Kosovel Award of the University of Primorska (2007), Energy Manager Award (2008) for the first-winning sustainable project of 2008, Trim Research Award for his master's thesis Comparison of the Development Effects of Renewable Energy Sources (2009), State Award for Contribution to Sustainable Development of Society (2009), a special award for the development and promotion of environmentally friendly electricity production (2010), and a commendation for a successfully implemented project or activities in the work of the Slovenian electricity association CIGRE-CIRED (2013) and the May Day award for "Achievements that Drive" of the Gorenjska Trade Union Council (2017).
Since 2021, he has been the head of the Inter-enterprise Training Centre of the Naklo Biotechnical Centre.
His research interests are: interdisciplinary studies, economics, management, entrepreneurship, quality, energy, renewable energy, agroeconomics, tourism.
As an assistant professor of economics and lecturer in energy and production systems, renewable energy and energy efficiency, he is involved in the teaching work of higher education programmes. He participates in professional associations and as a lecturer at conferences, leads sustainable development projects and participates in scientific research projects.
His bibliography includes 40 original scientific articles, 210 conference papers, six scientific monographs, eight technical books in the field of electricity, renewable energy and sustainable development, eleven historical home science books and collections, and a collection of poetry.
doc. dr. Drago Papler, mag.gosp.inž.